One of my Facebook buddies recently lamented that she has had conversations with others who were anxious or upset. Worry appears to be going around these days. I, myself, have seemed adrift, unable to move forward, just wanting to sit around and do nothing. I mentioned this to a friend yesterday who is in the same funk. Floating. No direction.


Maybe it’s the horribly hot weather or the state of the nation. Who knows?

One thing is for sure; I had the most horrible nightmare last night about the lack of a sense of purpose. And the solution in my hallucination? A baby! In the dream, I expressed wanting to have a baby, and other people were reacting as if I were crazy.

The next morning brought the realization that insanity has engulfed me. Where did this idea originate? I dearly love my daughters and have the best time with them as adults. Same with the grandsons. I love that they are older; I’m just not a baby kind of person.

Desperate for answers, I touched base with my friend to brainstorm what the dream might actually signify. Fortunately, she determined that the birth was not of an actual child, but of my next book. Readily I agreed and will get back to work on it to keep the delusions away.

That’s the story, and I’m sticking to it.

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