It's never too late to be what you could have been.This week has thrown more of life’s curveballs at me than I’d ever imagined possible in such a short period of time. The bad and good, all jumbled up into one. In the meantime, I’m desperately trying to complete my mission to be what I could have been.

Basically, I have places to go, people to see, and things to do. I am not done living.


I dove right into the places, people, and things as dear friends of my husband gathered at the ranch. We played golf, and the other wife and I hit up the tourist attractions in La Grange and Round Top. We ate some fabulous meals, saw some wild and crazy art, relived Fayette County history, and had a nice winery tour and wine tasting. We even fed goats.goats in Fayette County, Texas

Amidst all this revelry, the reminder of my own mortality, that my clock is running out, reared its ugly head.


My husband got word of a friend who has, until several weeks ago, been healthy and active. Some coughing led to a diagnosis of lung cancer—two weeks to live. Nothing to do about it.

Then, a wild, wicked storm kicked butt while the guests were here. The thunder and lightning show ran all night. The weather radio was triggered so many times, I finally turned it off while the guys tracked a tornado a few miles north of us. My mind was clicking on all four cylinders regarding tornado prep and how the four of us could fit into the shower.

Thank goodness the storm abated and, besides some downed branches and the deer feeder being blown over, nothing serious occurred.

Then, as the weekend wound down, I got news that my best friend’s sister had suddenly passed away from COVID and pneumonia (and yes, she was vaccinated). I’ve known her since I was in third grade.

Oh, and the knee I blew out during Hurricane Harvey let me know I had pushed it too far, which is the least of my worries.


I’m going to take the rest of the day off, wash some clothes, and concentrate on appreciating what I do have.

The Lord willing and the creek don’t rise, I’ll finish my mission to be what I could have been.


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